Reputable and Respected Christian Online Ordination
Reputable and Respected Christian Online Ordination

Ministry Registration

We have streamlined the process of getting your your ordination documents into 2 simple steps!

Step 1 – Verification  

As part of the verification process all ministers ordained by Global Outreach Ministries must have faith that aligns with the core faith of the ministry. We take your ordination and our ministry seriously. This is a simple application to see if we are a match.

After you read each statement check the box in front of the statement if you agree. If you don’t agree, we aren’t a good fit for you and your application will not allow completion. There are a lot of places online that do not have any faith based standards.  You can be ordained no matter what you do/don’t believe.

Fortunately, that is not the case here. We are a 100% Christian ministry. If you are a match, you can trust that you are being ordained by people who believe like you do.


If you are in agreement with each statement, please click the appropriate checkbox.

Make sure that each box is checked BEFORE you press SUBMIT so that your information is forwarded.  After the page shows that  your application has been submitted, click here—> Step 2: Finalization.